CLAY pigeon shooting, gin and whisky have attracted visitors from the other side of the world to East Lothian.

Representatives of a major Brazilian insurance company stopped off at both Winton Castle and Glenkinchie Distillery, both near Pencaitland.

Brook Green Travel has been delivering incentive programmes and business events for more than 35 years.The company chose the county for a memorable trip.

Viktoria Ulle, of Brook Green Travel, said: “Initially, we chose a gala dinner for our Brazilian client.

“However, when our client came for a tour of Winton Castle, they decided to go ahead with outdoor activities and lunch instead.

“Julie Britee, the events manager at Winton, did a very good job at making the most of the clients’ budget for the event in the castle and grounds, often not an easy thing to do!

“The booking process was easy, and the speedy replies from Winton were very much appreciated.

“It was an incentive trip for a major insurance company in Brazil.

“The objective was to give the guests from Brazil a little taste of Scotland with some exclusive aspects thrown in.

“Their day at Winton involved a clay shoot, gin tasting and a three-course lunch.

“The Brazilian client was very particular that two things were important: the clay pigeon shooting experience and a gin masterclass.

“The guests absolutely loved their event and were super impressed.”

Following a visit to Winton Castle, the group went on to tour nearby Glenkinchie Distillery and then head south of the Border.