PLANS to replace one of the few remaining level crossings on the East Coast Mainline in East Lothian could be revealed within a matter of days.

Discussions have been taking place for more than a year to replace the Markle level crossing, where two people have been killed in the last 15 years.

Drawings show that a bridge could be built to the south-east of Markle, with the crossing then closed.

The level crossing, which currently has a half barrier, is about a mile from East Linton Railway Station, which is currently under construction.

A report to East Lothian councillors last year said that the strike point trains pass to close the crossing will be triggered by carriages which will stop at the station.

READ MORE: Bridge could be built to replace level crossing over East Coast Mainline at Markle near East Linton

A spokesperson for RAGES (Rail Action Group East of Scotland) said: “At the October meeting of East Lothian Rail Steering Group attended by RAGES, an item of discussion was the apparent lack of progress with the bridge replacement work.

“East Lothian Council are currently negotiating land purchase with the owner of the fields and will be lodging a planning application late November for determination in February 2023.

“Subject to establishing heads of terms and receiving planning permission, construction is planned to start late March 2023 with a 10-month build programme.”