A litter-picking initiative has been launched by Changes, the Musselburgh-based charity which helps people achieve and maintain positive mental health.

Its staff team organised a litter pick around its office in Market Street, where more than two bags of plastic packaging, bottles, cans and other rubbish were collected.

Now the plan is to extend the initiative to other towns in East Lothian.

Marina Ramsay, communications and engagement officer, said: “We are grateful to everyone who volunteered their time to clear rubbish and spread awareness.”

She added: “According to studies, people who live in clean areas have much better mental and physical health than people who live in areas with a litter problem.

“Mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, are more prevalent in unclean, untidy environments.”

She continued: “We are planning to organise a series of litter picks to create a better environment for the whole East Lothian community.

“We welcome anyone interested in improving our environment and volunteering in litter picks to contact us on info@changeschp.org.uk with the subject ‘Changes Litter Pick’.

“We have the power to make a real difference to our communities through positive action.”