TOWERING figures from the world of stone stacking and natural art will arrive in Dunbar next month.

The European Land Art Festival and Stone Stacking Championships return to the town with a weeklong programme of events.

James Craig Page, who founded the event in 2016, was delighted the extravaganza, which encourages people to embrace their surroundings, was returning in an expanded format.

Thousands of pounds were raised earlier this year through an online appeal, with activities now taking place throughout the town, from East Beach and Belhaven Bay to Lochend Woods and The Backlands.

Mr Page said: “This is by far the biggest one that we have attempted.

“The fact we are turning the whole town into an art gallery where people can travel round the town, going to different areas, is a huge venture of undertaking this year.

“Thankfully, all going well, we managed to raise just over £5,000 from our Crowdfunder appeal.

“I would like to thank everyone who supported that.

“The funding came from Crowdfunder and Creative Scotland.”

The event begins on July 4 with a shop windows art trail featuring work from artists ranging from Michael Grab and James Brunt to Sterling Gregory and Pontus Jansson.

The following day, a sandcastle competition takes place on the town’s East Beach and July 6 is focused around a mosaic and mandala workshop at The Ridge Backlands, off High Street.

An art trail will be created on July 7 in Lochend Woods, before a mental health and wellbeing day at Belhaven Bay.

Sand drawings, surfing and sculptures will be created on a giant scale.

Mr Page said: “There are going to be sand drawings, massive sand drawings, right along the beach, with members of the public involved.”

Then, the Saturday and Sunday is focused on the European Stone Stacking Championships at Eye Cave Beach, off Bayswell Road.

Mr Page highlighted the significance of the various experts making their way to East Lothian.

He said: “Michael Grab was the guy that got me started.

“He was the inspiration to thousands of people round the world. I worked with him on the Summerhall Art of Balance Exhibition.

“It is a massive deal for him to be coming.”

Mr Page encouraged people to embrace the event, with many of the artists and judges travelling from across the world and staying in the area, including in the Dolphin Inn in the town.

He said: “With what we have been dealing with over the last couple of years, people definitely need this.

“It is a natural reconnection with creativity and connecting with people and doing it in a very special environment.

“That is what we hope to achieve this year and more and more of the town is involved this year.”