A COCKENZIE-BASED doctor is aiming to run 5k every day of 2022, inviting his patients and community to join him every Tuesday to reap the benefits that a “lifetime of running” has given to him.

Dr Peter Churn has worked at The Harbours Medical Practice since October 2007 and has long expressed his love for running for his physical and mental health.

The doctor has a colourful travelling past, completing his undergraduate medical training in St Andrews and Manchester before travelling to South America and New Zealand, where he worked in a small hospital.

He specialised in general practice in Bath before returning to Scotland via New Zealand.

The father-of-three said: “I cannot overstate the benefits that a lifetime of running has given to me.

“Sometimes runs have been easy and joyful, sometimes runs are stiff and painful, but I have always felt better afterwards.”

Dr Churn is aiming to complete 5k a day until the end of 2022 by squeezing in runs “around work and family things”.

The doctor will set off each Tuesday at 2pm from the medical practice car park for an hour-long run and is encouraging staff and patients to join him.

He added: “This is an hour where we encourage all our staff to spend time doing something for their wellbeing.”

Dr Churn’s usual days in the practice are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and when out of the office he enjoys cycling, paddleboarding, or running along beaches in East Lothian “or after his dog and three children”.

He said: “I’d love it if you would join for a run and blether. We’ll go at the speed of the slowest runner – which might be me!

“If I’m not there at 2pm, please go without me – I might be on holiday or life has got in the way for a bit and I’ll see you soon.”

The route runners will take is: start at Harbours Medical Practice car park; take South Lorimer Place until Whin Park play area; turn left onto public path heading west (around back of substation); across field to Edinburgh Rd, heading west; turn right onto John Muir Way footpath (before dentist), heading east around power station site; past Cockenzie Harbour; past Port Seton Harbour; cut across the Links back to Links Rd heading west; turn left onto Avenue Rd back to surgery.