THE Scottish Government has been accused of “playing games with people’s livelihoods” ahead of the closure of Torness Power Station.

The station, south-east of Dunbar, employs more than 550 people, with a further 180 contractors.

However, it will close its doors in 2028 – two years earlier than previously forecast.

Decommissioning work will take place but Craig Hoy, South Scotland MSP, has called for more to be done and for the SNP-Green coalition to drop its opposition to nuclear energy.

Mr Hoy led a debate in the Scottish Parliament about the planned closure of the station, which started generating power in 1988.

In his speech, he highlighted the number of jobs created through the EDF station, as well as its impact on the local and national economy.

He said: “The eventual closure of the present reactors at Torness is inevitable but I do not accept that the end of the nuclear sector in Scotland is inevitable.”

Speaking after the debate, which was also attended by East Lothian MSP Paul McLennan and fellow South Scotland MSP Martin Whitfield, Mr Hoy said: “Torness has been at the heart of the local economy and local communities in East Lothian for decades and has provided secure high-skilled employment for hundreds of local workers.

“Future generations could well miss out on job opportunities with the SNP-Green coalition remaining fully opposed to new nuclear energy.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “Torness, its operators, and in particular the workforces have played an important role in supporting Scotland’s energy requirements for years.

"We do, however, remain clear in our opposition to the building of new nuclear power plants in Scotland under current technologies.

“Significant growth in renewables, storage, hydrogen and carbon capture provide the best pathway to net zero by 2045.

“Our National Just Transition Planning framework sets out the consistent, ambitious approach we will take to developing transition plans.”