TWO events celebrating the life of John Muir are taking place.

Muir was born in Dunbar in 1838 before emigrating with his family to the USA. He would become a key figure in the creation of its national parks.

Now, VisitScotland is working to promote two events.

‘Surviving Childhood! Outdoor Escape Room’ starts at John Muir’s Birthplace and take participants on a fun adventure around the conservationist’s hometown, uncovering secrets and solving puzzles. It will run six times between April and August.

Meanwhile, ‘Glenkinchie Distillery and the story of John Muir’ features storytelling and drams to immerse participants in the life and legacy of Muir. Starting at Muir’s childhood house on High Street, the event finishes at Dunbar Town House and runs 12 times between April and September.