A RETIRED church minister’s vision of a greener and fairer Scotland will feature during a global summit in Glasgow at the end of the month.

The Rev Jock Stein’s poem The World I Want will be part of a unique virtual art exhibition ahead of the crucial climate talks.

The 80-year-old responded to calls earlier this year by charity WWF Scotland for people to share their vision of a greener and fairer Scotland, with the chance of being part of its Great Scottish Canvas exhibition.

The virtual exhibition will be shown at COP26 climate talks in Glasgow, which get under way at the end of the month.

Jock’s poem was one of hundreds of entries submitted, which were co-judged by Stephanie Straine and Emma Gillespie, curators from the National Galleries of Scotland, and Scots poet Stuart A Paterson.

The 45 selected pieces are now appearing at COP26 alongside an exclusive poem by author Alexander McCall Smith, who is behind the hugely successful The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series, and a book on nature written by former Makar Jackie Kay.

The pieces will also be showcased at the COP26 climate talks.

Jock, who lives in Haddington, said: “Someone said that the world is run by middle-aged people who are invested in maintaining the world as they know it.

“When we are young, we have ideas and imagine all kinds of possibilities, and then we look for a job and become immersed in the world as it is.

“Now that I am in my 80th year, I am growing younger again and want to see the world as it ought to be.”

Jock, along with wife Margaret, was joint locum minister at Cockenzie Old Parish Church before stepping down from the role in 2014.

Lang Banks, director at WWF Scotland, was thrilled by the number of submissions for the Great Scottish Canvas, which is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery and the Cruden Foundation.

He said: “We were blown away by the quality of work sent to us, and also delighted that so many people wanted to get creative in sharing their hopes for a fairer, greener Scotland with us.”

‘The World I Want’

I want for Scotland what I want for all 

     the world that congregates in Glasgow soon, 

I want commitment, promises fulfilled, 

     no hint of COP-out 26. 

I want to wake and breath in air that’s clean, 

     hear news of oceans cooler, reefs revived; 

I want proper recycling, no more litter 

     by the roads, and fewer cars. 

I want to listen to the sound of bees, 

     strike out the use of harmful pesticides; 

I want to ban rare metal batteries, 

     and change the way we think of fuel. 

I want the poor to drink in safer places 

     water from an unpolluted well; 

I want to cut the felling of the forests, 

     nurse these frayed and fragile lungs. 

I want the can-do spirit of Prince Philip, 

     with the nous of David Attenborough 

and the voice of youth like Greta Thunberg 

     sounding in our public ears. 

I want the rich to practise carbon pricing, 

     turn their economics right way up; 

I want a government that hears my voice 

     no less, no more than any other. 

I want to put some money where my mouth is, 

     pay for stuff that’s ethically sourced; 

I want to buy more eco-friendly products, 

     pull my weight, reduce my footprint. 

I want the human species to be modest 

     stewards of our home on planet earth; 

I want respect for every form of life, 

     and start by saying, ‘Yes we can!’