RESIDENTS of a street in North Berwick town centre have been trying to brighten up their local area and spread some festive cheer during advent by making a window advent calendar.

Neighbours in Victoria Road and the harbour area set up a WhatsApp group, with each house allocated a number between one and 24, representing the 24 days of advent between December 1 and December 24.

Each homeowner made and presented a display of their own interpretation of what an advent calendar window might consist of.

A similar initiative has been produced by residents in Stair Park, found near North Berwick High and Law Primary Schools.

The idea for Victoria Road came from a child who lives on the street, called Alva, who saw images of witches being displayed in the street’s windows during Halloween and asked her mum if the same could be done for Christmas.

The mother spoke to Hilary Smith, who also lives on the street and is chair of North Berwick Coastal Area Partnership, and asked if this is something that could be done.

Hilary then posted a letter through her neighbours’ doors asking if they would be interested in taking part, with all showing interest.

They soon got to work and created their displays using items that they already had at home, with discussions only taking place via WhatsApp and no prior meetings or planning taking place.

Hilary said: “That was part of it, people had to use stuff they already had at home. I didn’t want to put pressure on anyone and feel like they had to buy something, it was more about each person and what they had.

“We can’t do our usual stuff this Christmas, we can’t do much and can’t go very far so it’s been a nice way of bringing people together.

“Everyone has really bought into it and really embraced this. People who don’t usually interact are now all talking on the WhatsApp group and the displays are a topic of conversation.

“It’s not been competitive, everyone has been really enjoying it and it’s nice that it has brought people together.

“It started off as a way for us to do something nice for ourselves but now more has come from it, which is great.”

A range of window displays have been produced, from festive scenes to some inspired by famous paintings, with something available for both adults and children.

Images of each window were posted during advent on local art group pARTicpate’s Instagram page, allowing the efforts to be shared with a wider audience.

All of the windows have been very well received by people of all ages across the town with residents hearing many stopping outside and discussing their display.

Today (Thursday, Christmas Eve), all of the residents will be putting candles and/or lights by their front doors to light up the street, as a way of marking the 24th day of advent that usually sees advent calendars have their biggest gift or biggest chocolate.

It is not known how long each display will be up for, with Hilary suggesting that some may be taken down with the rest of the Christmas decorations.