EAST Lothian’s MSP has called for immediate action to tackle the increasing scale of poverty in East Lothian.

Paul McLennan said in his maiden speech to the Scottish Parliament last May that tackling local poverty in the county was his top priority.

Since then, he has met with several local organisations that work with people experiencing, or on the edge of, poverty across the county.

Last month, Mr McLennan brought together more than 20 organisations, including representatives from East Lothian Council, East Lothian Foodbank, Volunteer Centre East Lothian, and East and Midlothian Women’s Aid, to discuss areas of opportunity, where current gaps are and solutions for tackling poverty.

Discussions examined the link between loneliness and isolation, the need for better data concerning gender-based poverty, and the worry about the National Insurance and energy cap increase.

Mr McLennan said he planned to hold future roundtable events to monitor changes and progress throughout his Parliamentary term and hoped to keep lines of communication open.

He said: “Across East Lothian, there are people working hard to do all that they can to mitigate the effects of poverty within our communities.

“Since my election, I have worked closely with the amazing staff and volunteers of such organisations, looking to identify where gaps exist and seeking collaborative solutions that allow for the maximisation of opportunities for those most in need.

“The roundtable discussion provided a useful platform to gain a fuller understanding of the scale of poverty within East Lothian and created important communication links between groups.

“Going forward, I will continue to strengthen my relationship with the involved parties, so that together we can create concrete solutions that lift families across East Lothian out of poverty.

“If you wish to contribute or know of any organisation who should be involved in this work, please do not hesitate to contact my office.”