A VIGIL service has been held in Dunbar to mark 72 years since the first atomic bombs were dropped in Japan.

The service of remembrance took place at the Peace Pole in the grounds of the town’s St Anne’s Episcopal Church and commemorated those who died, as well as witnessing to the continuing need for peace, disarmament and reconciliation.

Last Sunday’s vigil was supported by members of other churches in Dunbar and the Rev Diana Hall, the new rector of St Anne’s, welcomed those who came.

The words of Pope Francis were read, calling on humanity to reject war forever and to ban nuclear weapons.

A peace flag with the Italian for ‘peace’ (‘pace’) was also held in the grounds.

Thanks were given for the recent United Nations Treaty approved by 122 countries outlawing nuclear weapons and prayers said that the UK would sign up to the treaty.

The vigil ended with prayers for peace between countries, with North Korea and the USA being named, for peace between people and for inner peace.