A VILLAGE nursery has received pass marks from inspectors.

Representatives from the Care Inspectorate visited Gullane Primary School Nursery in June.

Discussions took place with staff, children and family members, while feedback from an online form was also considered.

The nursery was rated ‘very good’ in both ‘How good is our setting’ and also ‘How good is our leadership’, while ‘How good is our care, play and learning’ and ‘How good is our staff team’ were both rated as ‘good’.

The report noted that youngsters experienced “warm, caring and nurturing approaches from staff which resulted in positive relationships being established”.

It continued: “Children and families benefited from an environment that was well-furnished, stimulating and inviting.

“There was a welcoming entrance area, which displayed photographs, children's learning, and a range of informative information.

“Families were greeted on arrival, which provided opportunities for conversations and sharing of information about children's day, routines and needs.

“Children were able to access the cloakroom, where they had their own space to store their personal items.

“They were confidently going back and forward to collect items, put items away and swap their shoes.

“This promoted a strong sense of belonging.”

Meanwhile, the “strong ethos” of continuous improvement was also highlighted in the report.

Outside the classroom, the report highlighted that the lunchtime experience for children “required further improvement”.

The report reads: “Snack time was a relaxed, sociable experience for children.

“The well-organised area encouraged children's independence.

“Staff engaged with children at snack time and supported sociable interactions, role modelling and assistance when needed.

“We discussed the lunchtime routine, where the seating plan did not allow staff to sit with children to provide support and encouragement.

“There was no independence for children, as all food and water was served to them.

“The dining hall became very noisy and, for some children, lunch was hurried.

“The service should review children's lunchtime to ensure that children's independence is encouraged.

“The routines and timings are responsive to children's needs and support an unhurried experience.”