I am writing as a former cyclist who has enjoyed whizzing up and down the beautiful Railway Walk from Longniddry to Haddington.

Now, however, my bicycle is hung upside down in my garage and I am a pedestrian.

“Be considerate. Be safe. Be seen and heard. Be polite” a wee blue notice asks gently.

But some of the cyclists take no notice and explode into sight from behind, as if we had a rear-view camera or second sight.

Actually, one elderly cyclist came past me with a camera on his helmet and announced his presence by ringing his bell. What a surprise!

Just as I was admiring the scenery, a rocket-propelled sports bike came out of nowhere and when I called out to him he did not quiver but disappeared over the horizon.

Then there were the two well-behaved little boys who, when I asked them why they hadn’t rung their bell, answered “I haven’t got one.”

Clearly, the mannerly reminder from the Countryside Ranger service is not hitting the mark and the only remedy is to imitate the very effective slogan ‘Think Bike’ with a new message of ‘Think Bell’, which is more in the face of the cyclists who are neither safe, seen, heard nor polite.

Maybe we could get the schools, the parents and the Countryside Rangers to put their heads together and produce a leaflet?

Michael Turnbull

Orchard Court
