A proposal to bring another train to North Berwick is gathering steam with the aim of tackling the ongoing problem of traffic congestion in the town.

However, this train wouldn't stop at the town's station and would instead take passengers throughout the centre of North Berwick.

The proposal has been put together by county resident Caroline Vevers White, following on from a similar idea she had raised in 2016.

Nae Track Train, as it has been dubbed, has been proposed as a "solution to traffic jams in the town" whilst also encouraging people to leave their cars in favour of the 'train'.

The 'train on wheels' is known as a land train and has proven popular in other coastal places such as Bournemouth and is a common sight abroad in tourist spots.

The vehicle is made up of carriages to carry passengers much like a real locomotive but is full-road legal.

An online document for the proposal said: "North Berwick is great place to live as well as visit.

"There is so much to see and do but it's not easy to get into the town centre or to park, which can be frustrating.

"By setting up passenger collection points around the town, including specified 'stations' with car parking available, the volume of traffic through the town centre would be reduced.

"The train would be a community project which would be a visitor attraction in its own right.

"It will work co-operatively with major events and charities in the town, as well as be available to private hire."

A not-for-profit company would be formed if there is enough support for the plan, keeping it in the hands of the community.

This would be set-up to pay administration staff and drivers but the group would also hope to build up a bank of voluntary support as well.

Judy Lockhart-Hunter, chair of North Berwick Community Council, said the idea was "interesting" and encouraged any ideas that may reduce congestion in the town.

She said: "The train idea is an interesting one. It would need to be priced competitively against the bus service for locals to regularly use it rather than it being more of a tourist attraction.

"It might also need some options for zip on weatherproof sides or similar.

In principle though any idea to reduce traffic or help people get around more easily should be explored."