MEN must do everything they can to eliminate violence against women, East Lothian’s MSP has said.

Paul McLennan has signed the White Ribbon Scotland Ambassador Pledge, promising to “use my role as an MSP to lead change in men’s attitudes towards male violence against women”.

White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement engaging men and boys to end men’s violence against women and girls, promote gender equality and create new opportunities for men to build positive, healthy and respectful relationships.

The White Ribbon movement began in Canada more than 30 years ago following a massacre of female students at a university in Montreal.

A small group of men got together to look for a way they could oppose male violence against women.

Mr McLennan met with Davy Thompson, of White Ribbon Scotland, at the Scottish Parliament to accept the role of ambassador, pledging “never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women in all its forms”.

The politician, who is also a councillor for the Dunbar and East Linton ward, described it as “a real honour” to take on the role.

He said: “Male violence against women is an issue that has for too long been viewed as women’s problem.

“I firmly believe this not to be the case – this is men’s issue and men must do all that we can to prevent and eliminate male violence against women in all its forms.

“I take my role as White Ribbon Ambassador seriously and want to be a leader in changing male attitudes that, if allowed to fester, allow male violence against women to happen.

“My challenge going forward is to engage as many men as possible in the work I do because, without men, we cannot address the core of male violence against women.”