I AM PLEASED Riverside Medical Practice have accepted a package of support from East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership (ELHSCP) which will assist in answering incoming calls, managing complaints and taking over the delivery of flu jabs. ELHSCP have also recruited three new GPs to support Riverside patients. A dedicated flu jab phone number will be available in the coming days.

October 10 was #WorldMentalHealthDay and I wanted to take the time to highlight the importance of supporting those who struggle with their mental health. Taking the time to check in with those around you can make a huge difference to help those who might be silently struggling. Support services such as Breathing Space and Samaritans can be a great help to those who need someone to talk to. If you know someone who is going through something, then making them aware of these services and free helplines can help.

Don’t suffer in silence. Help is there if you need it and you should know you’re not alone. Amid the pandemic, many are feeling overwhelmed and low, and it’s important to have support when you feel that way.

I know that many will be unhappy with the 16-day closure of pubs and restaurants. I know that this will be frustrating for some people, in particular business owners, but for others these measures won’t be enough. It is very difficult at the moment to find a good balance between protecting the health of the public whilst also re-energising the economy and the decisions being made are very complex.

At this point, for politicians like myself, it’s important we allow the scientists and the evidence to make the decisions. We have to do all we can to stop further unnecessary deaths.

In light of these closures to businesses, the Scottish Government is making available an additional £40 million to support businesses that will be affected. They will work with the affected sectors – especially hospitality – to ensure that this money provides the most help to those who most need it.