NORTH Berwick community councillors have rejected a suggestion that a town-wide 20 miles per hour (20mph) speed limit should be introduced.

A 20mph speed limit was adopted on most roads in Dunbar last summer, but, at a recent meeting, North Berwick community councillors were not in favour of something similar happening in their own town.

Judy Lockhart, North Berwick Community Council (NBCC) chairwoman, said the lower limit in Dunbar had been “ineffective”.

It was, though, generally agreed that there were roads in North Berwick which would benefit from the speed reduction – however, a blanket reduction would not be beneficial to the town, community councillors believed.

A road safety campaign which would include reminders for people to drive to the road conditions was suggested as a solution.

Bill Macnair, community councillor, said: “A speed reduction covering the whole town is unworkable. Each individual town should sit down, identify and review the real problems instead of over-simplifying with a 20mph blanket speed limit.”

However, Mr Macnair did feel that High Street and Forth Street would benefit from becoming 20mph instead of 30mph.

There are currently 13 roads in North Berwick with a 20mph speed limit, including Lochbridge Road.