Do you ever wonder what happened to the child in us – the inner child who used to be capable of wide-eyed wonder and brave trust?

Do you remember when we were once pioneers and adventurers; now more often we’re concerned with safety, caution, suspicion.

There used to be a restlessness – now there is complacency.

Time was we were hungry for ideas – now we are resistant to change, afraid of innovation.

Then it was asking all the questions, thousands of questions – now it’s knowing all the answers.

Where did it go, how did it happen, where are the children we were? Where are we?

Once it was child-like trust – now it’s cynicism and a pride that won’t bend.

It used to be love, open arms, generous eager hugs – now it’s fear of being hurt and a pride that won’t submit!

Time was there was energy and spontaneity – now there is boredom and listlessness.

Then, our imagination ran free – now, the vision is jaded and jaundiced.

What has happened? How did it get like this? How did we get like this?

Once there was a kind of intuitive feel for spiritual things, an openness to something beyond ourselves – now there are structures, rigidity and the formalities of religion.

We used to travel light with little accumulated baggage – now we are weighed down with things, intellectual pretensions, material commitments that tie and bind us.

Time was there was no agenda – now there is a whole raft of agendas.

Then there was awe and wonder – now there is routine and taking it all for granted, the wow factor crushed by busyness, preoccupation and self-image needs.

Maturity – if such it is – clearly has its price. We lose a lot when we silence our inner child.

But all is not lost! We can rediscover that spontaneity, that willingness to try new things, explore the unknown.

It just takes a shift of emphasis – a wee change of direction. It’s not about how old you are on the outside but about how alive you are in the inside!

I think we can do it!