AN ANTI-SOCIAL Behaviour Order (ASBO) has been granted against a Musselburgh man following an application to the court by East Lothian Council.

The terms of the order prohibit Stuart Hulbert, of the town's Mayfield Crescent, from behaving in a way that causes or is likely to cause alarm or distress to others and includes shouting, swearing, using threatening, intimidating, aggressive or abusive behaviour towards residents or visitors at Mayfield Crescent.

The court was presented with details of the alleged antisocial behaviour of 48-year-old Mr Hulbert, which included threatening and abusive behaviour and language towards neighbours and others within the local community.

A spokeswoman for East Lothian Council said: “The ASBO served on Mr Hulbert applies for 18 months and reflects the seriousness of his continued actions which have disturbed and alarmed neighbours and others within the community.

"East Lothian Council has strong antisocial behaviour policies in place to deal with actions that have negative effects on others and will continue to pursue legal options when considered appropriate.”