TWO additions to Haddington High Street have been welcomed by the town’s community council.

Members noted the arrival of fireplace shop Flames of Haddington, beside Diggory’s, and wellness apothecary Oils in Bloom, which has found a home in the former premises of Haddington Herbals.

Therese Laing, chairwoman of Haddington and District Community Council, was pleased to see empty business premises being filled.

She said: “Everybody is absolutely delighted and it is lovely to see new businesses in Haddington.

“I am hoping everybody gives them a warm welcome, people shop locally and support them and help these businesses.

“If any other businesses want to come to Haddington, they are more than welcome.”

However, the future remains uncertain for JS Main and Sons, on the town centre street.

The outdoor clothing and equipment business has been serving the East Lothian community since 1926.

Mrs Laing was unsure what the future held for the business.

She added: “We are just upset to see such a long-established Haddington business is now closed. You could get absolutely anything in Mains and everybody will miss Mains.”