The Pennypit Trust has reached its target for funding for summer lunch club activities following a plea for support from the public.

The Pennypit Community Development Trust put a funding plea across various forms of media including socials and through the press at the start of June to gather support for our tackling holiday hunger provision in both the Preston Seton Gosford (PSG) and Fa'side areas.

The plea was launched after the Scottish Government pulled the £40,000 funding allocated to the trust to cover the cost of summer lunch clubs.

The raised funds will allow the trust to run a full six-week summer programme for those in the most disadvantaged backgrounds across local communities.

The trust says this will ensure children and young people in these communities have access to food and activities at no cost to their families.

The funding target was reached mainly through support received from the Scottish Government’s 'Summer of Play' initiative and from East Lothian's Educational Trust. Along with generous support from Tartan Army Children's Charity, Cash for Kids Edinburgh, Inch Cape Wind Farm, enjoyleisure and PSG and Fa'side Area Partnerships.

Jonathan Sharples, PSG lunch club lead, said "We can't thank everyone enough for their generous support of our #LunchClubMatters campaign.

“It really warms our hearts here at the Pennypit to know that in our hour of need, that local residents, community groups and organisations were there to support these crucial provisions.

“We would like to acknowledge the support from the Scottish Government and East Lothian's Educational trust and in particular the role of Bill Axon the Fa'side Area Partnership's chair; who championed this matter for us; alongside so many other local people, including local elected members.

“The funding allows us to provide support to over 200 children and young people across both areas this Summer.

“The cost-of-living crisis is a real struggle for many families including those in work. Our lunch clubs will ensure that these children and young people are able to have experiences that many of us take for granted."