ONE in three schoolchildren in East Lothian takes on a young carer role at home, according to a survey carried out by East Lothian Council.

The annual schools survey found that 30 per cent of children identified as carers, which means they spend significant time every week caring for a parent, sibling or other relative with a chronic condition.

The figure is far above the national average, with the Carers Trust estimating one in 12 secondary school aged children in the UK is a young carer.

East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership said it was vital to identify young people who were taking on the role of caring for someone so that they could be given additional support.

It said in a statement: “Caring at any age has a significant impact on a carer’s life in terms of their own health, the limitations on their choices, the effects it has on their working and private life.

“Young carers can find it particularly hard in that they are often caring for people who would normally care for them at a time when, as young people, they themselves most need support and guidance. Their childhood or adolescence has to be put on hold.

“It is often more difficult for them to keep up with schoolwork or access further and higher education, employment or training. It can also be difficult to sustain friendships, leading to isolation.

“Being a young carer without friendship and support can have a lifelong impact on health and life choices.”

Legislation introduced this year aims to make things better for them with each one entitled to a Young Carer’s Statement, which sets out the things that individual young carers need to help them to get time for themselves, get the support they need with education and careers, and help them to stay physically and mentally healthy.

Councillor Shamin Akhtar, the council’s children’s services spokesperson, said: “If you are a young carer, please make sure you get the help you need. Talk about it to a teacher at school or health and social care workers who visit the person you are caring for – they will be able to help you to get your Young Carer Statement.

“I am also sending out a plea to friends and family who may know of someone who is a young carer. Please make sure that they get their statement. It is really often make or break – you can make a lifelong difference.”