AN EAST Lothian Council van has sparked a storm of protest on social media after it was captured on camera parked on double yellow lines.

The transit van, which is clearly marked with the council logo, was parked outside the Co-op in Longniddry, at 12.30pm on Monday.

Courier reader Lyndsey Scott said on Facebook she was “disappointed” to see council workers ignoring the double yellow lines at the same time the village nursery, which is a short distances away, was coming out.

She said: “Along with countless other Longniddry residents, I am fed up, frustrated and bewildered by these people who ignore the lines. Use the car park, or park a wee bit further down the road and walk those extra 20 steps or so. The lines are there for a reason and we need to keep our children safe, allow the lollipop man room to safely see the children across the road.”

Lyndsey’s comments and photograph sparked a wave of support on Facebook as other readers voiced their concerns about the van being parked illegally.

The double yellow lines were introduced late last year after complaints about dangerous parking at the junction of Links Road from Main Street, and stretch down to Elcho Road.

Community councillors said there had been a number of near misses with people coming out of the junction because of bad parking.

It was also claimed pedestrians were being put at risk by the lack of restrictions.

Community Facebook page Listen to Longniddry supported Lyndsey’s concerns about the council van flouting the law and reported the lollipop man who worked there had been subjected to abuse when he tried to tackle drivers who parked on the double yellow lines.

Driving instructor Alan McNair said: “Often see the crossing warden having to dodge parked vehicles to allow children to cross.”